This path was created by Weiting Guo. 

Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

The Dangerous Waters

Facing east to the ocean, Wenzhou had long served as a port for maritime trade. Yet, it was also because of its proximity to water, Wenzhou has a long tradition of smuggling and piracy. Traders in the surrounding waters engaged in smuggling and piracy and built connections with fishing villages along the coast. The surrounded mountains blocked the land routes between Wenzhou and other regions. The water routes thus played an important role in Wenzhou’s economy as many local communities counted on maritime trade and the successive waves of commercialization also expanded the network of illicit trade.

In the following sections, I will use three examples to showcase how smuggling and piracy prevailed in Wenzhou’s water space. The ocean provided a wide space for traders and smugglers to expand network and transport and distribute the goods. Some engaged in smuggling in order to survive; others joined this business to resist tax or make profit. The continued commercialization and the emerging opium trade made smuggling and piracy flourish around the South and East China Seas. Some coastal residents robbed others’ boats and goods to make a living; others allied with foreign merchants, underground societies, and the forces of different nationalities to expand their business. Fishermen, sailors, boatmen, and sea rovers frequently engaged in piracy. Some of them were kidnapped or forced to join illicit organizations. Many traders and smugglers also equipped themselves either for invasion or for self-protection. Local officials and policemen also created expedient approaches towards the persecution of smugglers and sometimes even tolerate or participate in illicit trade. All in all, frequent smuggling and piracy made it difficult to distinguish “legal” and “illegal” activities. While water provides a platform for actors with varied strata and backgrounds to negotiate local order and maritime trade, illegal activities also played an important role in the shaping of Wenzhou’s water space. 

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