Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

The Spatiality of Qing Power in Southern Fujian

The issue of corruption thus brings us into the world of the Qing state, and is the source of a number of different avenues for spatial inquiry. The governing institutions that eventually caught Shi Hou in their nets were - like the smuggling network Shi operated - forged out of the interactions between people and structures. Tagged here is a collection of the five most important sites in the political geography of the story told in this module:

Yakou Village, run with effective independence by a coalition of lineage elders, but located in the jurisdiction of the Jinjiang County Magistrate, the Quanzhou Prefect, and the Xinghua-Quanzhou-Yongchun Circuit Intendant.

Xiamen, where the Xinghua-Quanzhou-Yongchun Circuit Intendant was housed together with the Admiral (Shuishi tidu) of the Fujian Navy.

Quanzhou, where the Quanzhou Prefect as well as the Jinjiang County Magistrate had their offices.

Fuzhou, the site of the provincial capital and offices of the Fujian Governor and Fujian-Zhejiang Governor General.

Beijing, imperial capital and site of the offices of the Board of Punishments and the Forbidden City, where the Emperor lived and worked.


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