This annotation was created by Maren Ehlers. 

Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

Vaccination room

This room was staffed by three appraisers, ten vaccinators, ten helpers, five secretaries, and three ushers. Two of the ushers summoned the unvaccinated children in groups of ten, and another one summoned the "pox bases." Inside the room, the arriving children were given a sash in yellow (for unvaccinated children) or red (for "pox bases") to tie up their sleeve above the elbow. The vaccinators worked in pairs, one extracting the lymph and the other one injecting it into the arm of the receiving child. Each pair was supported by two helpers who funneled the children to the right place, and one secretary, who wrote down the details of each vaccination for later entry into the "Abundant Aid Record." The appraisers seem to have been responsible for ensuring that children were vaccinated according to the instructions from the Upper Examination Room.

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