This page was created by Magdalena Kolodziej. 

Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History


Tōyōga (tongyanghwa in Korean, dongyanghua in Chinese) means "East Asian Painting" or "Oriental Painting." It is also sometimes translated as "Oriental-style painting." This term came into wider use in colonial Korea and Taiwan after the establishment of the Korea Fine Arts Exhibition in 1922 and the Taiwan Fine Arts Exhibition in 1927, respectively. Each of these salons for contemporary art featured two divisions for painting, one for tōyōga and one for seiyōga (initially, the Korea Fine Arts Exhibition had also a third division for calligraphy. In 1932 it was abolished and replaced with crafts divison). 

also, links to: nihonga & yoga

In certain contexts, artists and critics used the term nihonga synonymously with tōyōga, or "East Asian Painting." The equivalent of nihonga in Taiwan came to be known as tōyōga

The Taiwan Fine Arts Exhibition, established in 1927, had two divisions: one for tōyōga and one for seiyōga.  painting in Taiwan also came to be categorized as emerged in Taiwan. The equivalent of nihonga in Taiwan came to be known as tōyōga

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