Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

The Vaccinators' Oath

On the background of the vaccinators' oath, see the page "A New Regional Network of Vaccinators."

The cowpox virus is an effective treatment from the West for eliminating the poison of smallpox. The pox have truly damaged the people of our country. From over one thousand years ago until today, Our lord grieved over this fact, and looked far and wide for a method and desired to make our country once again a land without smallpox forever through prevention. 
the great achievement of eradication will ultimately be impossible to achieve. 

All members of this alliance look up to the illustrious virtue of the state and worship the authority of medicine's ancient founders. We ask for their support and agreement and take on the task of eliminating this people's scourge. After implanting the vaccine, either true pox or spurious pox will appear. 

I will not break the clinic's rules. 
I will not move any vaccine outside the clinic. 
I will not be late for vaccination events. 
I will not hunger for profit. 
I will not be proud of high status. 
I will not be proud of my abilities. 

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