Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

References for "Sacred Geographies of Urban Colonial Taiwan"

Note: The information presented in this module is drawn mostly from my published work, Becoming Taiwanese: Ethnogenesis in a Colonial City, 1880s-1950s (Harvard Asia Center Press, 2019), principally Chapter 4, “Sacred Spaces: Religion and the Construction of Identities.” The sources listed below are the foundational materials that I used to write the sections of that book that are relevant to this module, along with a few sources that are cited only in this module.

Bodenhamer, David J. 2015. "Narrating Space and Place." In Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives, edited by David J. Bodenhamer, John Corrigan, and Trevor M. Harris, 7-27. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

Cai Jintang. 1994. Nihon teikoku shugi shita Taiwan no shūkyō seisaku (Religious Policies in Taiwan under Japanese Imperialism) 日本帝国主義下台湾の宗教政策. Tokyo: Dōsei sha.

Ching, Leo. 2001. Becoming 'Japanese': Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Construction. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Chipman, Elana. 2009. “The De-Territorialization of Ritual Spheres in Contemporary Taiwan.” Asian Anthropology 8, no. 1: 31–64.

Eliade, Mircea. 1959.The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion. Translated by Willard R. Trask. San Diego: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, Inc.

Ishizaka Sōsaku. 1932. Ora ga Kiirun (Our Kiirun) おらが基隆港. Taipei: Taiwan nichinichi shinpō sha.

Hardacre, Helen. 1989. Shintō and the State, 1868–1988. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

He Peifu, and Lin Wenrui, eds. 1999. Taiwan diqu xiancun beijie tuzhi: Yilan xian, Jilong shi pian (Records of extant stone inscriptions in Taiwan: Yilan County and Jilong City) 臺灣地區現存碑碣圖誌. 宜蘭縣・基隆市篇. Taipei: Guoli zhongyang tushuguan Taiwan fenguan.

Jiang Canteng. 2001. “Riben diguo zai Tai zhimin tongzhi chuqi de zongjiao zhengce yu fazhihua de quanli” (The establishment of religious policy and legalization during the early period of imperial Japan’s colonial rule in Taiwan) 日本帝國在臺殖民統治初期的宗教政策與法制化的確立. Zhonghua Foxue xuebao 14 (September): 91–134.

———. 1996. Taiwan fojiao bainian shi zhi yanjiu (100 years of history of Taiwanese Buddhism, 1895–1995) 台灣佛教百年史之研究: 1895–1995. Taipei: Nantian shuju.

Jordan, David K. 1994. “Changes in Postwar Taiwan and Their Impact on the Popular Practice of Religion.” In Cultural Change in Postwar Taiwan, edited by Stevan Harrell and Huang Chün-chieh, 137-60. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Jones, Charles Brewer. Buddhism in Taiwan: Religion and the State, 1660–1990. Honolulu: University of Hawai‛i Press, 1999.

Ke Bingxian. 1988. Jilong Dianji gong yange jianjie (A brief history of the Jilong Dianji Temple) 基隆奠濟宮沿革簡介. Jilong: Jilong shi Dianjigong guanli weiyuanhui.

Ketelaar, James Edward. 1990. Of Heretics and Martyrs in Meiji Japan: Buddhism and Its Persecution. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Kiirun jinja, ed. 1934. Kiirun jinja shi (Kiirun Shrine gazette) 基隆神社誌. Taipei: Taiwan nichinichi shinpō sha.

Kiyochika. 1896. Taiwan san kei no nai Kiirun no ame (Three views of Taiwan: The rain of Kiirun) 台湾三景之内基隆之雨. Woodblock print. Kokuritsu kokkai toshokan dejitaru korekushun.

Li Fengmao. 2000. Jilong qing zan zhongyuan: Jimaonian Lin xing zhupu jinian zhuanji (Jilong Celebrates the Ghost Festival: Special Commemorative Collection of Lin Surname Group as Master of the Festival in 1999) 雞籠慶讚中元: 己卯年林姓主普紀念專輯. Jilong: Jilong Lin xing zongqinhui.

Li Fengmao, Lai Zhengyu, and Ye Tinghao. 2000. Gui fu shen gong: Jilong shi yinmiao diaocha (Mansions of ghosts, palaces of spirits: Survey of Jilong’s unorthodox temples) 鬼府神宮: 基隆市陰廟調查. Jilong wenxin congkan 130. Jilong: Jilong shili wenhua zhongxin.

Lin, Wei-Ping. 2015. Materializing Magic Power: Chinese Popular Religion in Villages and Cities. Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series 97. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center. Distributed by Harvard University Press.

N.d. Lingquan si yange (History of the Lingquan Temple) 靈泉寺沿革.

Liu Qingfan. 2001. Qing’an gong zhi (Gazetteer of the Qing’an Temple) 慶安宮志. Jilong: Jilong shi Qing’an gong guanli weiyuanhui.

Marui Keijirō, ed. 1919. Taiwan shūkyō chōsa hōkokusho dai ikkan (A report on the survey of Taiwanese religion, volume 1) 臺灣宗敎調查報告書第一卷. Taipei: Taiwan sōtokufu.

Masuda Fukutarō. 1942. Minzoku shinkō o chūshin toshite (Popular faith at the center) 民族信仰を中心として. Tokyo: Diamondo sha.

– – –. 1935. Taiwan hontōjin no shūkyō (Religion of Taiwan’s islanders) 臺灣本島人の宗教. Tokyo: Meiji seidoku kinen gakkai.

Minbao (People’s News) 民報. Taipei.

Niitaka shinpō (Niitaka News) 新高新報. Jilong.

Nomura Yoshimasa. 1938. Kimura Kutarō ō (The venerable Kimura Kutarō) 木村久太郎翁. Tokyo: Gyōsei gakkai insatsusho.

Rubinstein, Murray A. 2003. “‘Medium/Message’ in Taiwan’s Mazu-Cult Centers: Using ‘Time, Space, and Word’ to Foster Island-Wide Spiritual Consciousness and Local, Regional, and National Forms of Institutional Identity.” In Religion and the Formation of Taiwanese Identities, edited by Paul R. Katz and Murray A. Rubinstein, 181–218. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sangren, Paul Steven. 1987. History and Magical Power in a Chinese Community. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Shakai jigyō no tomo (Social work companion) 社會事業の友. Taipei: Taiwan shakai jigyō kyōkai, n.d.

Sung, Kwang-Yu. 1990. “Religion and Society in Ch’ing and Japanese Colonial Taipei (1644–1945).” PhD diss., University of Pennsylvania.

Taiwan shaji shūkyō kankōkai, ed. 1933. Taihoku shū shita ni okeru shaji kyōkai yōran (Survey of temples and churches in Taihoku Prefecture) 臺北州下に於ける社寺教會要覽. Taipei: Taiwan shaji shūkyō kankōkai.

Taiwan nichinichi shinpō (Taiwan Daily News) 台灣日日新報. Taipei.

Taiwan sōtokufu. Taiwan sōtokufu kōbun ruisan (Documentary records of the Taiwan government-general) 臺灣總督府公文類纂.

Thal, Sarah. 2005. Rearranging the Landscape of the Gods: The Politics of a Pilgrimage Site in Japan, 1573–1912. Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Wang Jianchuan, and Li Shiwei. 2000. Taiwan Mazu miao yuelan (Reading Taiwan’s Mazu temples) 台灣媽祖廟閱覽. Taiwan yuelan shi 8. Taibei xian Luzhou shi: Boyang wenhua.

Watson, James L. 1985. “Standardizing the Gods: The Promotion of T'ien Hou (‘Empress of Heaven’) Along the South China Coast, 960-1960.” In Popular Culture in Late Imperial China, edited by David G. Johnson, Andrew J. Nathan, and Evelyn Sakakida Rawski, 292-324. Studies on China 4. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Weller, Robert P. 1987. Unities and Diversities in Chinese Religion. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Wen Guoliang, ed. 2000. Taiwan zongdufu gongwen leizuan zongjiao shiliao lubian (Meiji 34 nian 6 yue zhi Meiji 35 8 yue) (Collected historical materials on religion from the records of the Taiwan government-general [June 1902 to Aug. 1903]) 臺灣總督府公文類纂宗教史料彙編(明治三十四年六月至明治三十五年八月). Zongdufu dang’an zhuanti fanyi 5, zongjiao xilie 2. Nantou: Taiwan sheng wenxian weiyuanhui.

Wu Huifang. 2013. Jilong zhongyuan ji: Shishi, jiyi, yu chuanshuo (Midsummer Ghost Festival in Keelung: Historical fact, memory and legend) 基隆中元祭: 史實、記憶與傳說. Taipei: Taiwan xuesheng shuju.

Zhang Shengtu, and Li Tianchun, eds. 1955. Lingquan si tong jie lu (Collected monastic records of the Lingquan Temple) 靈泉寺同戒錄. Jilong: Yuemei Lingquan si.

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