Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History


Librarians played a crucial role in serving the library patrons and as gatekeepers to the library resources. In his essay, Guo Xuehu mentions how librarians would show him books from the special collection (tokubetsusho).

Books from the special collections were marked as "toku" ("special") next to their call number in the catalogue. Many of such books were lavishly published volumes with reproductions, such as the Shinbi taikan (Selected Relics of Japanese Art), Nihon kokuhō zenshū (National Treasures of Japan), or the annual catalogues of the official salon in Tokyo. To view these books, a patron needed to obtain a special permission from the library's director and provide a justification (Taiwan sotokufu toshokan gairan, showa 13/1938 page 12). Presumably, librarians could help their patrons in obtaining this special permission.

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