Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

Test translation annotation

Visitto Ōno(1853)
[Source: Hakushinki, pp. 200-201]

(dispensing with the preliminaries) One needle for vaccinations is included.I told[the physicians in Ōno]thatI wasmanufacturingneedletipshere, so they should please let meknow if theyneededanyof these.

On a separatesheet:
Postscript:Iwant to usethis opportunity to convey some confidential information. There is a rumor thata man named something like Koyama Yōju has beenconducting vaccinations in Ota village, within your domain, since last year. Hasyourassociationshared the vaccine with this man? Also, is this a person sufficiently capable ofdistinguishingbetween true and false pocks? I would like to hear your responseas soon as is convenient just to makesure. I am assumingtheremust be controls in place to ensurethat no onepractices unauthorized vaccinationsin your domain, followingour previous agreement, sothis may not beworth inquiring aboutin advance. But these are allremote villagesand difficult to reach,andit is the way of theworldthat all kinds of things tend tohappen, soI amconcerned for the sake of our profession. Please do nottake this the wrong way. Yours respectfully.
1stmonth, 27thdayaddressed to Nakamura Taisukeanonymous [Hakuō]Hayashi Unkei

With regard to thismatter, Naitō Dōitsu from Itōvillage in Sabae domainhad informed me [Hakuō] byletter atthe beginning of the yearthat this Koyama Yōju had secretly stolen Dōitsu’s vaccineand was conducting vaccinations.When Dōitsupressedhim on the matter, Yōju visited him to introduce himself and said that he was indeed conductingvaccinations. He saidthat he was sorry and asked for forgiveness forsecretly having takenthe vaccineby having aperson come incontact withit, and he requestedan official transmission. Recently, Dōitsuthencame tome in person and asked me how he should respond. Itoldhimthatas the man had not made any amends forhismistakeand was still conductingvaccinations, it would not do for him to just get in touch. I said that Dōitsushould deal with Yōju by telling him thatoncehe brought hisvaccinations to a complete stopand then got in touch again, Dōitsuwould respond to him after consulting withFukui [i.e., Hakuō].

[rest of entryomitted]

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