Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

Interruption of the Chain

But before they could initiate the village relay to Ōniu, the district governor temporarily halted the program because he wanted to reassess the financial situation. It turned out that only 60 out of 211 recipients of vaccinations in Gamō had donated the suggested amount of 10 monme of silver. The governor believed that in order to continue, he needed to put more pressure on potential donors. When the vaccination clinic thus sent out its next call for villages to apply, the text no longer explicitly mentioned the possibility of poor parents being exempted from donations.

Shortly after concluding the tour to Gamō, the vaccinators made a second expedition to the coast. On 5/6, two additional fishing villages, Ōniu and Koniu, petitioned for a vaccinators’ visit and the district office ordered Kasahara Hakuō and his team to go. These villages were located only 2 ri northeast of Gamō. But because the district governor had put the enterprise on hold for a few days to reassess the financial situation, the transmission of the vaccine had been interrupted, and the clinic in the castle town needed to initiate another chain of transmissions. On 5/13, twenty children from Koniu and nearby villages thus traveled to Fukui and reconnected the coast through the movement of their vaccinated bodies.

Vaccinations in Koniu were timed for the seventh day after the carrier children’s vaccinations. On 5/20, Hakuō and his colleagues vaccinated 71 children, and another twenty on their follow-up visit on 5/26. Hakuō’s notes also show that he had arranged through the district office for fifteen children from Ōniu to come to this second event in Koniu so they would be available as carriers when the vaccinators visited the next station on the tour, Ōniu. Had the village relay continued as planned, the vaccinators would have gone to Ōniu two times and invited children from the next village such as Hatanaka to the second event so that vaccinations could have been continued in Hatanaka, and so on.

We do not know how long this particular relay lasted and how the program fared in later years. Records on it end with the final, ninth volume of the "Vaccine Travel Record." There is a strong possibility that the village relay method was not continued, most likely because of a lack of funding from the domain. Despite Hakuō’s efforts at cost-cutting, village relay required a major investment of money and personnel. The five visits to Gamō, for example, cost 1,293 monme of silver, only 612 of which were covered by donations. To make up for the difference, Hakuō and district governor Okada both contributed some of their own money and had some of the loss reimbursed by the district office. Without regular funding from the domain, the expeditions would have been unsustainable.

To be sure, donation rates were much higher during the second tour to Koniu, probably because the district office had applied more pressure on villagers. But Hakuō was taken aback by the district officials’ strictness. He had been notified of a rumor that he was enriching himself by collecting 10 to 20 monme per vaccination, and he did not want to provide any more fodder for such talk that could endanger the success of the program. At the bottom of the rumors about profiteering there lay an unresolved question. Rural vaccinations required organizational capacities and pressure of the kind that only a government could provide, yet the domain government was not able or willing to fully fund the program, causing confusion among subjects about its public character. A much larger investment in public health was necessary to obtain the doctors, transportation, and bureaucracy needed to immunize every child in the domain.

However, there are indications that the clinic in Fukui increasingly transmitted the vaccine to rural physicians. The very last entry in the "Record of the Travels of the Vaccine" contains the copy of a letter from 1860 by Fujii Shinsai, a physician in the coastal village of Umeura in which he asked Hakuō for a transmission.

Fujii Shinsai in Umeura, Ansei 7 (see also p. 632 in Fukui Ishikaishi, probably a gekai) --> transmit to rural physicians

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