This page was created by Weiting Guo. 

Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

"Even the Robbers Could Release the Hostages Who Were from the Same Home District"

In October 1916, nine boats loaded with timber logs sailed from Fuzhou, Fujian Province, to Shanghai. Having been aware that the water police force usually did not dare to combat pirate boats, these boats sailed together in an attempt to help each other. Yet, when they passed by Wenzhou's Dayuguan water, they still encountered pirate boats.

1. 這頁的重點是: identity (同鄉), network (同鄉)
2. 可以把下一篇的 [日本走私船] 轉來這邊 (全部案例濃縮成一段)


of the risk of being robbed, these boats 
When the boat

2. Add discussion: 台州 pirates + 浙江&上海官商關係不能work: use this: [19161018_運木商船在洋遇盜續誌 (comment超經典!! 通過官商關係都無法解決_只能與匪簽約_與匪同鄉的人則贖回)]
3. Move the original [3. Piracy at the Ou River] to here: because of 台州!!! (1926)
4. 可能寫 [19310212_廣濟昨已返滬 (good!!!)] (一系列報導) (台州幫, 在溫州設有據點)

2. 19300916_永寗輪被刦詳報 (!!! 超經典!!! 脫去制服_就沒被殺_富商臉塗煤炭_假裝水手_就沒被擄獲)

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