Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

Conclusion: Japan's Imperial Art World

By the 1930s Japan had a nascent imperial art world, intimately intertwined with the art worlds of Korea and Taiwan. This art world, with its celebrity press coverage and a promise of a career path, enticed aspiring artists. Access and success varied based on subject position, ethnicity, gender, class, generation, language, personal connections etc. By examining art education in Japan and Taiwan in the 1920s and 1930s, as well as Guo Xuehu's early career, we get a glimpse into the artistic infrastructures of this art world, such as art exhibitions, libraries, professional networks, and newspaper publicity. (See my dissertation. Also, Add ref to Noriko Aso's public properties on museums. See Nancy Lin, dissertation, book in progress). 

INTEGRATE THIS SENTENCE BETTER Yet, by the 1930s, the Japanese empire saw the emergence of the first generation of young painters, writers, sportsmen etc from Korea and Taiwan who became famous in their respective fields (add ref to literature scholarship).   

When studying the imperial art world, we need to distinguish between the imperial rhetoric and reality. As Aimee Nayoung Kwon pointed out, the semblance of an imperial "imagined community" created by the Japanese language mass media circulating throughout the empire belied the violent repressions of conflict and difference (Kwon emphasizes that this "image of an imperial community" was accessible only to the colonized elites and Japanese settler community and so it was highly unlikely that it could have been shared by the general population. Book, 163-164, 240). Many scholars have demonstrated the double-faced character of assimilation policies, according to which colonial subjects were given Japanese citizenship (kokuseki), yet were differentiated on the basis of their origins (koseki); they had to meet the obligations of imperial subjects, yet were denied many of the rights (Leo Ching, Morris-Suzuki, Oguma Eiji, Suh Serk Bae). 

The concept of the imperial art world is useful for rethinking Japanese modern art history because it highlights how in that particular moment the boundaries between the arts of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan were being policed in new and distinct ways. Also, it gestures to Japan's claims to the mantle of "East Asian Art World" and how artists in Japan saw their art as a match to Western art. (Add ref to Stephanie Su research on the competition between Chinese and Japanese artists at that time; check Aida Yuan Wong?). 

Furthermore, this concept invites us to challenge art historical notions of place in relation to art that tend to situate art within the timeless and fixed space of the nation. Nation state building has shaped how we study art, yet our global artistic imagination and reality has been equally if not more impacted by imperial formations and cultural imperialism. Postcolonial studies have made this point. More recently, scholars have been debating the possibility of a global art history and of decolonizing art history (see Beatrice Joyeux-Prunel 2019 for an overview; reread it).  

In this module, I have approached place as a historical construct. By paying attention to changes in the circulation of people and knowledge as well as individual actors' understanding of their own place, I have traced the process of place-making at a specific point in time in a specific location. In this way, CONTINUE THINKING ABOUT THIS + DEEP MAPPING.

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