This page was created by Weiting Guo. 

Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History

Burning the Boat

The Shanghai-based Dianshizhai Pictorial (1884-1898) has an illustration on the ritual of “sending off a boat” in late Qing Wenzhou. This drawing, titled “The Grand Ritual of Sending a Boat,” provides some details about the ritual. According to the description, plague continued to strike Wenzhou during the autumn. Local elites and officials thus built a “water and land ritual site” to invite the deities for the ceremony. Twenty to thirty civilian and military officials attended the ceremony. The entire ceremony lasted for seven days and nights. People built a large paper boat and four smaller boats beside it. Plenty of well-decorated items were stored in the boats. On the final night between 9 and 11 pm, these boats were sent to the river outside the Northern Gate and burned on the water. Over 1,000 people were holding lighted lanterns and gathering there, making the night as bright as daytime. After the boats were fully burned, people’s lanterns were also put off. People walked in the dark to the Western Gate, entered the city and then left. The entire ceremony costed over 2,000 or 3,000 dollars, which was mainly from the donation of officials, shops, and wealthy families.

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